Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Angel

I have come to realize that I live with a Christmas Angel. For the first time, Alyssa is REALLY into Christmas, Santa, making friends gifts, the whole sha-bang. As soon as we get home she runs to turn on Christmas lights and changes the little decorations that tell us how many days till Christmas.

Our little elf loves to sleep under the tree. She got teary-eyed when we told her that during school nights she was not allowed. Her daddy encourages the awaited Christmas festivities by filling her belly with hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies and talking about what kind of snacks they will make and leave for Santa, for some reason Chad seems to have a vested interest??!?

Merry Christmas to my sweet angel and only a few more days till the birth of Christ and of course Santa's visit.

1 comment:

Melody A. said...

That is the sweetest picture.