Monday, August 27, 2007

A First Day of Many Sorts

What an emotional roller coaster the "first day of school" is for a mommy. Some of my firsts on Monday were:

1. Relinquishing my "mommy control" to total strangers.
2. Watching Alyssa's daddy pack her school lunch and include a special love note for her eyes only.
3. Rushing to put on mascara and lipstick on in the morning so that a little someone could get somewhere on time. (Usually I am running late all on my own)
4. Crying first thing in the morning at the precious thought of Alyssa beginning a life journey.
5. Having a 5 year old tell me "enough pictures".
5. Having butterflies in my own stomach. (No Alyssa was not nervous, she is soooo like her dad)
6. Chasing a school bus (without my child on it) just to be nosy and see what route it takes at 7am in the morning. (By the way, I lost it somewhere ...... long story)
7. Signing a kazillion papers from school as a "parent/guardian" of a student.

I can't help to wonder how many other firsts I will have this school year.


Melody A. said...

You're littl girl is just so cute! I love bows. My oldest now refuses but I can still get them on my little one. I think I will cry when she finally says no more.

Are you a high school teacher?

monica said...

I love her soooo much!